
Current event of HIV/AIDS

I found 2 news about HIV/AIDS.
please check and think about it...

 This is not current event but we can see what is happening to children who have AIDS and lost parents.
 And through this news, we can see how government is working for children now.
We need to work for children who have AIDS more and more. I hope the government gives them enough treatment and scientists can find good medicine for them.

Millennium Development Goals for HIV/AIDS

 Millennium Development Goals for HIV/AIDS is...

MDG: Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.

short definition of HIV/AIDS

HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS=Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

How we are infected with HIV? (Infection routes)
sexual …sexual relationship
Blood products…open wounds, blood transfusion and infection in intravenous drugs.
Mother to child…during pregnancy, at childbirth and breast feeding

The symptoms of AIDS
mental disorder
active tuberculosis
herpes zoster  …etc
AIDS has many symptoms and it has different symptoms in different stages.

What is the problem for children??
If the child’s mother has AIDS, child also has AIDS when they were born.
And some parents leave their baby and some parents died by AIDS, so the baby becomes an orphan.
We have medicine to arrest the disease but still we don’t have perfect treatment for AIDS.
So children need treatment for their life.

about pneumonia...

This week I researched about risk of diseases.

Tackling the 'forgotten killer'

Pneumonia is not a big problem in advanced nations because we have enough vaccines for children. But developing countries, they don’t have enough treatments for children.
God has plans for every child.  And even small illnesses like pneumonia are diseases. We can’t ignore any illnesses. 
In Japan we have collection boxes at convenience stores for children who have illnesses. At train stations many people raise money for children in the world. But how many people think about children in the world?  Actually I never paid attention about the collection box and children in the world before.  But we can do small things for them like raising money through collection boxes in convenience stores. Or go to Unicef internet site and raise money.  And through the money, children can get vaccines and receive enough treatment.
Why don’t we start doing small things for children?

1. Have you ever thought that pneumonia is a big illness?
2. Do you have any collection boxes for children in your city?
3. Are you doing something for children who have diseases?
4. What we can do for those children?
5. What is government’s responsibility for children?
6. Why people don’t pay attention to pneumonia?
7. Do we need to support the family?
8. Why pneumonia kills many children in advance country?
9. Why they can’t get enough treatment in advance country?
10. What they need most in their life?

For my future...

Now, I’m a student of CRS, U of N in YWAM. And I’m pursuing Counseling BA degree in U of N. Now I finished 3 schools and I need to go to 4 more schools and another outreach (each school is 3 months).
This April I’m planning to go to Switzerland for Bible Core Course School and study about the Bible and God. The school might be helping me to get knowledge about the  Bible. And I’m expecting to get a deep relationship with God.
I’m planning to go to 2 schools including an outreach in 2011.
I’m planning to graduate U of N at the end of 2012. And after that I want to get involved in Child care ministry, especially for street children. I want to start a home for them and help with reconciliation with their family. And I want to help them be reunited as family.
 I can go to next school with my own finances but after that I don’t have enough money for school. So I’m asking God about my future now. 

about support:
Now, I’m supported by my parents and my grandparents. My father is working at school as an officer but my mother is not working. And my father will retire next year. That means I’ll lose my financial supporters.  I asked my church but they said, “We can rent money to you but we can’t support you.”  And I didn’t receive any money from them. I already mention before about my vision. But I’ll say again, my goal is graduate U of N and get involved in Child care ministry, especially for street children. 
I need partners for finances and prayer.  I have a vision which God put in to my heart. I already decided to follow to God even if I lost everything. Now I have enough money for next school so I can’t say the amounts which I need.
So I want to ask you to pray for me. Please pray for my health (I already received surgery for my slipped disk 2 times in the past). And please pray for protecting my spirit.

If you are interested in my vision and Goal, please send me e-mail. 
e-mail address:  ayumi8851@live.jp