
4th week lecture!!!

This week's speaker !!!
Ed and Key are a beautiful couple and they are great staff and also father and mother for our CRS. And Philippa is good friend of them and great speaker for this week. And they are working at WCAC. They told us about Dominions and Domains in the world.
 I enjoyed this week. Even though I already learned about Domains before, I felt everything was new for me.

2 or 3 main concepts that I took out of lectures.
Concept1 They are authority domains in our life Government, family, church
I didn’t know that church had big authority in our life, and that the church can do many things for neighbors, because in my home church, we don’t do anything for neighbors. I was thinking what my church can do at the community…my church is too small. But I hope I can find something.
Concept2 Personal responsibility is choosing.
We have the right to choose. God gave us!  That means we need to have an authority to myself and responsibility for own life.
Concept3 Take a rest
I notice that I’m really not good at taking rest. I always try to work and I’m not good at time distribution for my daily life. I mean I can be lazy but I can’t use time wisely.
I need to take a time with God!!!  Actually I love to date with God under the night sky but these days I can’t date with Him…mmm

How was I challenged personally in what was shared this week?
 In this week I was challenged to think about church authority, especially about my church. My church is not trying to go outside and they did some ministry for children for a year but they suddenly stopped doing ministry for them. I can’t see any authority in my church. So I was challenged to think about my church and pray for them. And also I was challenged to thinking about what is rest for me. And I notice that I’m not good at to taking rest in God’s arms. Actually this challenge is always happening to me. I went to four schools already but I’m always challenged to take time with God. I’m sorry God…

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