
definition about Street Children

 Who are street children?
Street children is someone who living with their own family but working at street.
Street children are someone who live at the street and sleep at there.

How they living on the street?
Often they selling something on the street and earn money or ask food to people.
Some children become a prostitute and someone commit a crime for live. Sometime they will be drug addict.

Why are they live at the street?
Because their family is poverty, and broken home. And some children receive abuse and neglect by parents. Some parents are addicted by alcohol or drug and they say earn money at the street…etc

What problem they have?
In warm country, they don’t need to worry about freeze to death but street is not sanitary conditions so there are risks of infection.
In cold country, they need to make them warm so they live in sewerage with friends. Of course the hygiene environment are bad
In some country, they are killed by people.

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